Referencias Bibliográficas. Cocinas Mejoradas en China

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  • EDWARDS R., et al., 2004. The Chinese National Improved Store Program and Indoor air Quality. En elaboración.
  • PEABODY, John W., et al., 2004. The Chinese National Improved Stove Program and Rural Health. En elaboración.
  • SINTON, Jonathan E., Kirk R. Smith, John W. Peabody, Rufus Edwards, Meredith M. Milet, Gan Quan y Zheng Yin, 2004a. Programmes to Promote Improved Household Stoves in China: An Assessment of Programme Performance. Report to the Shell Foundation Sustainable Energy Programme.
Disponible en la página web del Breathing Space Programme de la Fundación Shell:
  • SINTON, Jonathan E., Kira R. Smith, John W. Peabody, Yaping Liu, Xiliang Zhang, Rufus Edwards, Quan Gan, 2004. An Assessment of Programmes to Promote Improved Household Stoves in China , Energy of Sustainable Development 8(3):33-52.
Disponible en la página web de Kira R. Smith:

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