Your leading supplier of turn key projects from 1952

SIDASA Engineering is one of the world's leading integrated surface treatment company . Our success is driven by more than 58 years experience and our team operating responsibly, executing with excellence, applying innovative technologies and capturing new opportunities for profitable growth. We develop machines to satisfy your needs in many fields of the surface treatment industry. We research for design, manufacturing and commissioning of fully automated plants.

SIDASA Engineering is part of the UNITS GROUP. The Group is organized as a centre of strategic planning and as a decision-making unit capable of anticipating the future needs of the various industrial sectors in which they are active and therefore of better meeting the new challenges of a global market.

Datos de contacto de SIDASA ENGINEEERING
  • Tipo de empresa: Fabricante,Proveedor
  • Dirección: C/ Calle 40, nº 14-16 Zona Franca Sector E , 08040 , Barcelona , Barcelona
  • Fax: (34) 934 479 824



Bandas abrasivas / Instalaciones / Barnices / Barniz / Ingenierías / Aceites / Productos reciclados / Vibradores / Pulidoras / Decapantes / Depuración de aguas residuales / Tratamientos de aguas residuales / Depuración de agua potable / Plantas depuradoras de aguas residuales / Estaciones depuradoras compactas /

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