Referencias Bibliográficas. La Energía con Relación a Otros Factores de Desarrollo: WEHAB y Objetivos del Milenio

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  • DFID (2002), Energy for the poor. Underpinning the Millennium Development Goals. DFID. Reino Unido.
  • GOLDEMBERG J., JOHANSSON T. (2004), World Energy Assessment: Overview 2004 Update. Ed. NDP, UNDESA,
World Energy Council.
  • UN, WWSD (2002), Water, energy, health, agriculture and biodiversity. Synthesis of the framework paper of the
Working Group on WEHAB.
  • UNDP, UNDESA, World Energy Council. 2000. Overview to Energy and the Challenge of Sustainability, the World
Energy Assessment.
  • WEHAB Working Group (WEHAB) (2002). A Framework for Action on Energy. Prepared by J. Gururaja, UNDESA; S.
McDade, UNDP; y I. Freudenschuss-Reichl, UNIDO. Disponible en html html/ documents/wehab_papers.html.

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